Venturing Oath
As a Venturer, I promise to do my duty to God and help strengthen America, to help others, and to seek truth, fairness, and adventure in our world.
Venturing Code
As a Venturer, I believe that America's strength lies in our trust in God and in the courage, strength, and traditions of our people. I will, therefore, be faithful in my religious duties and will maintain a personal sense of honor in my own life. I will treasure my American heritage and will do all I can to preserve and enrich it. I will recognize the dignity and worth of all humanity and will use fair play and goodwill in my daily life. I will acquire the Venturing attitude that seeks truth in all things and adventure on the frontiers of our changing world.

...Goals and Methods of Venturing... 


Young adults involved in Venturing will:
    • Learn to make ethical choices over their lifetimes by instilling the values in the Venturing Oath and Code.
    • Experience a program that is fun and full of challenge and adventure.
    • Become a skilled training and program resource for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and other groups.
    • Acquire skills in the areas of high adventure, sports, arts and hobbies, youth ministries, or Sea Scouting.
    • Experience positive leadership from adult and youth leaders and be given opportunities to take on leadership roles.
    • Have a chance to learn and grow in a supportive, caring, and fun environment.

The aims of the Boy Scouts of America are to build character, develop citizenship and foster personal fitness. 

The Venturing methods listed below have been carefully designed to achieve the aims of the Boy Scouts of America and meet the needs of young adults.
    • Leadership. All Venturers are given opportunities to learn and apply proven leadership skills. A Venturing crew is led by elected crew officers. The Venturing Leadership Skills Course is designed for all Venturers and helps teach in an active way to effectively lead.
    • Group Activities. Venturing activities are interdependent group experiences in which success is dependent on the cooperation of all. Learning by "doing" in a group setting provides opportunities for developing new skills.
    • Adult Association. The youth officers lead the crew. The officers and activity chairs work closely with adult Advisors and other adults in a spirit of partnership. The adults serve in a "shadow" advisor capacity.
    • Recognition. Recognition comes through the Venturing advancement program and through the acknowledgement of a youth's competence and ability by peers.
    • The Ideals. Venturers are expected to know and live by the Venturing Oath and Code. They promise to be faithful in religious duties, treasure their American heritage, to help others and to seek truth and fairness.
    • High Adventure. Venturing's emphasis on high adventure helps provide; team-building opportunities, new meaningful experiences, practical leadership application, and life-long memories to young adults.
    • Teaching Others. All of the Venturing Awards require Venturers to teach what they have learned to others. When they teach others often, Venturers are better able to retain the skill or knowledge they taught, they gain confidence in their ability to speak and relate to others and they acquire skills that can benefit them for the rest of their lives as a hobby or occupation.
Ethics in Action

An important goal of Venturing is to help young adults be responsible and caring persons, both now and in the future. Venturing uses "ethical controversies" to help young adults develop the ability to make responsible choices that reflect their concern for what is a risk and how it will affect others involved. Because an ethical controversy is a problem-solving situation, leaders expect young adults to employ empathy, invention, and selection when they think through their position and work toward a solution of an ethical controversy.